Peace is the Answer
"Peace is the answer to every question right now." -- Lee Anne Peters , in the Weekly Guidance for April 29th through May 5th I love this advice (which, by the way, was also in The Weekly Guidance for last week). PEACE is the answer to every question right now. It's easy to say, but sometimes hard to get there. So how do you do it? Here are some of my favorite ways to find a little peace: 1) Sit down and MEDITATE - Even 10 minutes when you are feeling less-than-peaceful can help you find that place of peace again. So often it is our thoughts that are leading the charge against peace - what we need to do, what we haven't done. what so-and-so said to us, etc. Sit. Breathe. Watch your thoughts just drift on by. 2) Get outside and EXERCISE - Or inside. Again, even a short walk around the block will get those endorphins flowing, increase your sense of well-being and augment your ability to choose peace in every moment. And the fresh air on your skin and in