
Showing posts from April, 2014

The Root of the Root of your own Self

"How long will you suffer at the hands of non-existent things? Return to the root of the root of your own self." --Rumi You can always count on Rumi to tell it like it is. We suffer so much at the hands of the non-existent things in our lives: the maybes, the what-ifs, the "I don't knows." I don't know about you, but I am sick to death of it. I want to get off this roller-coaster ride of thoughts and emotions and live in the beating of my heart, in the whisper of my breath, in the brief bliss of this very moment. I have almost no idea how to do this, but I feel like my all of these quotations, these little bits of wisdom from those who have gone before, have been a series of breadcrumbs, showing me the way. And I just have to follow them. Back home. To the root of the root of my own self.

An Easter Lesson

"What happens when we don't take our pain, our pleasures and our mortality seriously? If we can't honor and embrace the disappointments as well as the 'successes' in our lives? We overcompensate. We take [ourselves] much too seriously. We fall out of balance." -- John Lee from his book, Writing from the Body   On Easter Sunday we had the fam over for lunch after church. "The Fam" this particular Sunday included three grandparents, four aunts and uncles, and four cousins between the ages of ten and fifteen. My younger son wanted to provide some entertainment for the cousins and decided we should have a scavenger hunt.  He got the idea from an episode of The Big Bang Theory, which we had watched earlier that week. In the episode entitled, "The Scavenger Vortex," Raj plans a scavenger hunt for his friends in which they solve puzzles and follow clues in order to find a prize. In Raj's version, the prize was a gold coin and, as...

Happy Earth Day!

"The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing." --Scottish-American naturalist, author and wildlife preservationist, John Muir I'm back from ten days of rest - that turned into twenty - having enjoyed a trip to Paris , a "do-nothing" Spring Break week with my kids, and the full moon lunar eclipse . I don't know about you, but it knocked me on my ass for a day or two. Can't wait to see what the solar eclipse later this month will bring. Whatever it is, I am ready and looking forward to it! May you have time today to enjoy this beautiful Earth that we live on and may you let the sun shine in you and the rivers flow through you. Happy Earth Day!

10 Days of REST.

"When you need to rest, rest fully, completely and without guilt. Your earthy bodies are made to require it because it is good for your SOUL."   --From The Akashic Records I have thoroughly enjoyed the past 90 days spent focusing on forgiveness, love and gratitude and hope you have too. And now it is time for me to take a rest. I will be taking at least ten days off from writing so I will see you sometime after April 10th. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this bit of resting wisdom from the Akashic Records. Peace.