The Root of the Root of your own Self

"How long will you suffer at the hands of non-existent things? Return to the root of the root of your own self." --Rumi

You can always count on Rumi to tell it like it is.

We suffer so much at the hands of the non-existent things in our lives: the maybes, the what-ifs, the "I don't knows." I don't know about you, but I am sick to death of it.

I want to get off this roller-coaster ride of thoughts and emotions and live in the beating of my heart, in the whisper of my breath, in the brief bliss of this very moment.

I have almost no idea how to do this, but I feel like my all of these quotations, these little bits of wisdom from those who have gone before, have been a series of breadcrumbs, showing me the way.

And I just have to follow them. Back home. To the root of the root of my own self.


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