28 Days of LOVE is now available!

28 DAYS OF LOVE By Lara Simmons It's been a long time - a L-O-N-G time - since I wrote anything on this blog. One thing I have been working on is this book: 28 Days of LOVE. It started out as a passion project, something to work on when my "real" writing wasn't going very well. I could nip on over to Blurb and while away a bit of time on this little side project. After publishing WRITE YOUR LIFE , however, I started to take this "little side project" a bit more seriously and to see how maybe it could become something in its own right. And now it is. I think it is the perfect book to give as a gift to someone you LOVE this Christmas. On every page there is a new way to practice LOVE, to think about LOVE, or to LOVE the people in your life. I hope that it will encourage you, inspire you, and fill you with LOVE. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! LOVE is all you need! Click on the book cover above to order.