
Showing posts from August, 2021
" Do your best and leave the rest. " --Lord Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita   I have been thinking about this quote A LOT this week as I move through (another) time of confusion and uncertainty. It is from the Geeta Girl podcast , whose mission is to help their listeners use the wisdom in the Bhagavad Gita to improve their lives.    One of the things they point out specifically is that "the Geeta" is not only a holy book or a fabulous story, but is actually a practical handbook that we can use to increase our life skills and improve our actions, thereby improving our lives.    So often it can feel as though we are victims of circumstance or that the events in our lives are outside of our control, and often this is true (Hello Global Pandemic!), however, if we can learn to act more skillfully (notice they don't say "rightly" or "correctly"), we can improve our lives and the situations and lives of those around us, and have some control over h...
  " The only way to enhance one's power in the world is by increasing one's integrity, understanding, and capacity for compassion. "    --David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD   I have been thinking a lot about INTEGRITY today because we are trying to buy a home in a super-hot real estate market and we seem to be running into a LOT of greed and not a lot of integrity. It's disheartening.    The temptation is to play "the game" along with everyone else; make promises you know you won't keep, make offers you have no intention of honoring, throw a little BS of your own onto the pile. But it just doesn't FEEL RIGHT. So we aren't. We are staying in our integrity, being honest about who we are and what we are willing to do and hoping...that our integrity attracts the right and perfect home for us.   Either way, I am finding that there is a certain power in doing the right thing, even if it doesn't yield the result you want. It's an internal power that ...