"Where things are not equal, balanced, or healthy, they need to be let go of or re-negotiated." -- Divine Harmony Over the past couple of years I have begun to notice how very right-sided I am. For forty-three years I have done almost e verything with my right hand. I brush my teeth with my right hand. I text with my right hand. I scrub pots and pans with my right hand. I scoop up my kids with my right hand. I write with my right hand. And I had never even noticed the imbalance this was creating in my body - and in my life - until very recently. Suddenly I became very aware that the nerves in my right arm felt tender after using the computer for a long period of time, that the right side of my body felt tense after a 30 minute swim, that my right calf felt tight after a run, while the left side of my body still felt strong, healthy, and loose after these same activities. Once I noticed it, I couldn't not notice it, and it became more and more clear that the two ...