A friend of my son's taking the leap. "Trust is an all-in, two feet off the ground leap into the abyss." --The Akashic Records I had a realization about trust the other day, that what I have been experiencing as trust is not trust at all, but merely confidence. Confidence in life's propensity and probability to continue along as it has for the past forty-five years, bringing me mostly good, mostly ease, mostly luck. I realized, standing at my kitchen sink washing dishes, that this isn't trust at all and I decided to investigate the notion of trust a little further. So I asked my Guides, through the Akashic Records , about Trust. Here is what they had to say: Trust is believing in the power for good despite what you see before you. It is believing in hope when all is despair, it is believing in love when surrounded by hate, it is believing in the positive when all that is presenting itself is the opposite. You have all been in this place - some i...