A Reminder to be Mindful (AGAIN)
"MINDFULNESS = Moment-to-moment, non-judgmental attention." --Unknown It is often said that the spiritual journey is like peeling away the layers of an onion. You peel off one layer and you feel so good, so "done," only to realize that you have many more layers to go and - yep - there's a lot of yucky crap and bad habits and low vibe behavior in this layer too. Darn it! And then sometimes something from two or three layers back sneaks up on you and you think, "How'd THAT get in here?!" This week I found myself doing something I used to do a lot, but haven't done lately and it surprised me. On Monday I went swimming as usual and there weren't very many people at the pool so I had the slow lane all to myself. It was glorious - for ten to twelve laps - until not just one, but two people joined my lane. Crap! I immediately started whining and hating on them. "Why'd they have to join MY lane? Oh look at her, she doesn't...