Wisdom from Mbali Creazzo, Fiona Robyn & some 5th Grade Writers PLUS A FREE BOOK!

"When you practice mindful connections with others your life feels meaningful and so it is." --Mbali Creazzo, from the book "29 Gifts: How a month of giving can change your life" by Cami Walker

My friends Fiona and Kaspa over at Writing Our Way Home are having a busy week. They are hosting the first-ever Mindful Writing Day, they are preparing to teach not one, but two, mindful writing e-courses in November (Finding Your Way Home and Writing & Spiritual Practice) AND they are promoting our new anthology, :"A Blackbird Sings: a book of short poems."

Yes, I said our. One of my small stones is going to be published in this lovely collection of mindful moments. AND this book will be available for FREE download on Amazon.com for one day only, Thursday, November 1st.

So hop on over to Amazon on Thursday and grab your free copy. Write a rave review - and your own small stone - and have it published on their blogzine, A Handful of Stones. Then sit back, relax and enjoy that feeling that comes from being more mindful, more connected to your world.

In the spirit of Mindful Writing Day I would like to share a few small stones written by some students earlier this month at 5th Grade Camp. 

My heart drops as I wake up 
In the freezing, shadowy black light.
Remembering where I am, I curl up and wait
For the sun to make its slow way across the sky.



beneath my feet
rainbows with only
pink and purple
as if someone put all
of their eggs on 
a beach
I walk.


The Tide

I see the calm blue water
gently glide across the 
small colored pebbles and
blonde sand. 
It retreats 
to its ocean home.
It does it again,
and again.
and again. 


And here's one I wrote about 5th Grade Camp (previously published on my small stones blog, pebbles are small stones):


a blazing fire
52 voices singing as one
a moment they'll never forget

Be mindful out there today!


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