World Kindness Day & 28 Days of Kindness

Wkd artworkToday is World Kindness Day AND ALSO the birth-day of my new book, 28 Days of Kindness.

Four years ago I set a challenge for myself: practice kindness for twenty-eight days and see if it makes a difference in your life. Did it ever! As I focused on kindness, meditated on kindness, wrote about kindness, and practiced kindness in my daily life, I could literally feel the kindness in my world increase.

I want the same for you and today - World Kindness Day - is a fabulous day to begin!

What kindness practice can you commit to?

Can you commit one random act of kindness today? (See the World Kindness Day website for some ideas.) Can you commit to 28 Days of Kindness? Subscribe to my blog by entering your email in the sidebar, or follow me on Twitter (@be_and_become) or Facebook for the next four weeks. I will be posting kindness quotes every day to inspire you.

Want to go deeper? Pick up my book. Copies will be available for FREE if you live in Seattle in the Little Free Library on N 43rd St between Corliss Ave N and Sunnyside Ave N) or order a copy by clicking on the cover --->

However you practice kindness this month, may it increase the kindness in your life, in your heart, and in your world! #worldkindnessday #28daysofkindness 


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