Write Your Life! - May 2016 - Bonus Week: WHAT'S NEXT?
"You are never given a wish without [being given] what it takes to make it come true." --Richard Bach
This week is a bonus week - one I hadn't really planned on doing - BUT as I sat and finished the posts for last week on Thursday, I felt like things were incomplete. Like I was leaving you hanging. And I didn't want to do that.
There IS a fifth chapter in my book and it's called, "What's Next?!?" because it's all well and good to WRITE YOUR LIFE - to draw a new map and listen to what your heart really wants - but after that you have to figure out how to LIVE this new life you have imagined. And that, my friends, takes ACTION.
Stepping out, putting one foot in front of the other and starting to move in the direction of your dream whatever it is.
First things first, grab your journal or a piece of paper. Find a comfy spot to hang out for twenty or thirty minutes and start to brainstorm all the things you need to do to make the life you want to live a reality.
At this stage don't censor or cross out because something seems too big (or too small), just make the list. (I always think it is ironic that I started down this road because I was too addicted to my "TO DO" list and ended up suggesting that people make a, well, basically a "TO DO" list, but I promise this one is a little bit different.)
When you are done, take a look at the list. What jumps out at you as the FIRST thing, the NEXT thing, you need to do? Put a #1 next to this item. This is your NEXT EASIEST STEP. Do it before this time tomorrow.
That's it. Take the first step in the next twenty-four hours.
If you are going, "WOAH, wait a minute! I can't do THAT!" maybe this isn't step #1.
Look at your list again. Does something else need to come first? Or maybe this is the first step, but it needs to be broken down into a bunch of smaller steps. If so, do this in your journal and then put a #1 next to the step that needs to come first.
Now this is your NEXT EASIEST STEP. Do it before this time tomorrow.
Good luck. I know you can do it! Talk to you tomorrow.
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